FACETS is deeply grateful to our guests, volunteers, staff, family, and corporate sponsors, restaurant sponsors, and Champion of the Year Land Rover Alexandria for a magical Flavors of Fairfax event last weekend! We hope everyone enjoyed learning more about FACETS' work, the incredible live art performance by David Garibaldi, the delicious bites, and all the evening’s festivities.
While we are still celebrating, our generous sponsors and champions are offering three additional ways to support FACETS through midnight on Friday, September 27.
1. Donate below for a chance (or five) to win one of two luxury skincare products:
- SUBLIMAGE LE CRÈME LUMIÈRE: Ultimate Regeneration and Brightening Cream (1.7 oz) – Retails $445
- SUBLIMAGE L'ESSENCE LUMIÈRE: Ultimate Light-Revealing Concentrate (1.35 oz) Retails $505
2. Double your impact by participating in FACETS Board Chair Hugh Taylor's $100 Match Challenge
- All gifts of $100 will be matched by our FACETS Board Chair through midnight on Friday, 9/27. Consider turning your $100 into $200 to support the high-quality, compassionate programs that FACETS is known for delivering across Fairfax.
3. Donate to win a signed photo copy by David Garibaldi
- The first four people to make a $250 donation will receive a signed photo copy of David Garibaldi's painting of President Lincoln surrounded by our signature cherry blossoms.